Minggu, 05 Agustus 2012

Macam-macam Dinosaurus Jaman Purba Part 1

Dinosaurus adalah reptil yang hidup berjuta-juta tahun yang lalu. Dia adalah hewan bertulang belakang dominan di ekosistem darat selama lebih dari 160 juta tahun, dari periode Trias Tua (sekitar 230 juta tahun yang lalu) sampai dengan akhir periode Kapur (sekitar 65 juta tahun yang lalu), ketika banyak dari mereka punah pd peristiwa kepunahan Kapur-Tersier.

Sayang sekali ya gan punah dinosaurusnya, padahal kita pengen melihat bagaimana sih aslinya, mempelajarinya juga, banyak hal yang ingin kita ketahui tentang dinosaurus... jadinya banyak simpang siur dan perdebatan tentang keberadaan makhluk dinosaurus... ada yang bilang "HOAX", ada yg bilang "it's real" macam2lah.. memang bukan karena ulah manusia punahnya, belajar dari hal tersebut, zaman sekarang manusia yang memimpin alam ini. so, apapun perbuatan kita, negatif maupun positif sangat berpengaruh terhadap alam..

so gan, mumpung kita hidup, lestarikan alam yang ada, jangan biarkan hawan-hewan atau tumbuhan2 punah, sayangi binatang.. biar anak cucu kita melihat indahnya alam dan isinya yang sekarang ini... jangan seperti dinosaurus nasibnya..

A. Terbesar, Ekor Terpanjang, Leher Terpanjang dan dikenal Dinosaurus Terpanjang

Amphicoelias Fragillimus

Berat = 135Ton
Panjang = 40–60 meters (131–196 ft)
Panjang ekornya = 32 m (105 ft)
panjang leher = 55 ft
tinggi = 30 ft
Zaman = Middle Cretaceous (100-90 million years ago)
Tempat Fosil = Colorado 1877

Amphicoelias adalah genus dari dinosaurus sauropoda herbivora yang termasuk dinosaurus terbesar dan terpanjang dalam sejarah, sekaligus menandingi hewan terbesar di bumi yaitu paus biru. 

B. Estimasi Dinosaurus Terberat
Berat = 175-220 Tons
Panjang = 40-44.1 meters (130-145 feet)
Tinggi = 14 meters (46 feet)
Zaman = Late Cretaceous (70 Ma)
Tempat Fosil = southern tip of India

C. Dinosaurus Tertinggi
Berat = 135Ton
Tinggi = 18 m high (59 ft)
Panjang Leher = 11.25–12 m (37–39 ft)
Panjang = 34 m (112 ft)
Zaman = Early Cretaceous, 112 Ma
Tempat Fosil = US state of Oklahoma

D. Dinosaurus Terkecil
Berat = up to 1 kilogram
Panjang = 16 inches (40 cm) Ukuran Dewasa
Zaman = Early Cretaceous, 120 Ma
Tempat Fosil = Liaoning, China

E. Dinosaurus Tercepat
Berat = 100 to 150 kilograms (220 to 330 lb)
Panjang = 3.5 meters (12 ft)
Zaman = Late Cretaceous 80–65 Ma
Tempat Fosil = North US

Dromiceiomimus yang sepertinyanya paling cepat. Karena Wujudnya mirip burung unta yang tak berbulu karena kaki belakangnya panjang lagi kuat, lehernya panjang dan kepalanya mirip kepala burung. Larinya mungkin juga seperti burung unta dan berkat kakinya barangkali dinosaurus si burung unta menjadi juara lali di antara dinosaurus. Dromiceiomimus may have capable of hitting speeds of 45 or 50 miles per hour, though it probably stepped on the gas pedal only when it was being pursued by predators. 

F. Dinosaurus Terluas, Pertahanan Terbaik dan Paling Disepuh

Berat = 3-4 tons
Tinggi = 4 feet (1.2 m)
Wide = 6 feet (1.8 m)
Panjang = 25-35 feet (7.5-10.7 m)
Zaman = Late Cretaceous
Tempat Fosil = western North America.

Ankylosaurus adalah salah satu jenis dinosaurus yang memiliki tubuh yang dilindungi oleh semacam cangkang keras, Duri dan Tanduk yang membuat tubuhnya tidak bisa diserang dengan mudah, bahkan oleh Tyrannosaurus-Rex. Ekornya panjang lurus dan sangat keras. Jika Ankylosaurus dihadang oleh lawannya, ia akan menyerang lawan tersebut dengan ekor kerasnya dan dalam sekejap lawannya akan terjatuh. 

G. Dinosaurus Terpintar

Berat = 27 to 45 kilograms (60 to 99 lb)
Tinggi = 1 metre (3.3 ft)
Panjang = 2 metres (6.6 ft)
Zaman = Cretaceous Akhir (75-65 ma)
Tempat Fosil = Amerika Utara 1855

Troodon berukuran seperti manusia, disebut pintar karena Troodon memiliki Otak yang besar dari proporsi berat badannya.. 

H. Besar dan Tengkorak Paling Mengesankan

Berat = 6-12 tons
Tinggi = 10 feet (3 m)
Panjang = 30 feet (9 m),
Panjang Tengkorak 10 feet (3 m)
Zaman = Cretaceous period, about 72 to 65 million years ago
Tempat Fosil = North America

Triceratops adalah jenis dinosaurus bertanduk tiga yang berbadan besar. Panggilan pendeknya Tritop. Dinosaurus ini jarang lari ketakutan karena Tyrannosaurus, karena biasanya mereka melindungi diri mereka dengan tanduknya yang tajam. Pernah disebut sebagai dinosaurus ksatria, karena bentuk kombinasi kepala dan tanduknya membuat dirinya seperti seorang ksatria dengan pedang dan tameng. Sebutan ini ada benarnya, karena kulit yang berada pada posisi 'tameng' amatlah keras. Selain itu tanduknya yang tajam mampu membuat lawan ketakutan.

I. Terngkorak Tertebal

Berat = 2,000 kilograms (4,400 lb)
Panjang = 4.5 to 5 metres (15 to 16 ft)
Tebal tengkorak = 10 inches thick (25 cm)
Panjang Tengkorak = 2 feet long (65 cm)
Zaman = Cretaceous period, about 72 to 65 million years ago
Tempat Fosil = North American West

Naturnal History Museum

Meet a terrifying T.rex, unearth Baryonyx bones and inspect the Triceratops skeletonin our world-renowned Dinosaurs gallery. Sort the facts from the myths about why dinosaurs died out and delve into our research and discoveries about these prehistoric giants.

Beat the dino queue!

This summer, book free Dinosaurs gallery tickets from 21 July to 2 September. Take advantage of this limited tickets offer ahead of your visit.
  • Beat the queue to our popular Dinosaurs gallery and book your free timed entry ticket in advance. 
  • Simply show your e-ticket, printed or on your phone, at the Dinosaurs gallery entrance.
  • Can't book in advance? You can still visit the gallery by just turning up, but queuing is likely.
  • Advance tickets do not give you fast-track entry to the Museum.
  • Allow up to 1 hour to get into the Museum in the busy school holiday period.
    Book free tickets online now
Iguanodon on display in the Dinosaur gallery
Explore 160 million years of the dinosaur era. Find out what the dinosaurs looked like, what they ate, and how they evolved. Encounter 100s of specimen displays, including 4 moving animatronic dinosaurs.
Dinosaurs gallery entrance
Enter the gallery under the skeleton of Camarasaurus, the stocky and powerful plant-eating relative of Diplodocus, then ascend the walkway and come eye to eye with our many life-size dinosaur skeletons and models.
Triceratops skeleton.
With its sharp beak and huge horns, the Triceratops looked ferocious, but this enormous beast only used its powerful teeth on vegetation, and was the most abundant plant-eater of its time.
Giant animatronic T.rex.
You'll hear the roar long before you face the terrifying moving T.rex lurking in its swampy pit. Beware the super-senses of the giant animatronic model – you could be its next victim! Marvel at the power of its huge jawbone and 15-cm-long teeth.
Dinosaurs gallery skull
See the life-size Tyrannosaurus skull cast before you enter the pit of the terrifying animatronic T.rexTyrannosaurus was one of the largest meat-eating dinosaurs, with a skull length of 1.5 metres and body up to 12 metres. It walked the Earth 67 million years ago.
Digital screens help you discover the world in which dinosaurs lived and how it changed during the Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods, from the movement of continents, the weather, and the plants and animals around them
Model of a Maiasaura nest, complete with hatchling.
Dinosaurs laid eggs and evidence shows that, like today’s birds, they fed their young until they were strong enough to leave the nest. Here, you can see a model of a Maiasaura nest, complete with hatchlings.
Half-buried Edmontosaurus skeleton lying in its death position.
The half-buried skeleton of this Edmontosaurus is lying in its death position. A scavenger may have eaten its tail, most of which is missing. You can also see thefossilised skin of an Edmontosaurus, which means this is one of the few dinosaurs whose skin texture is known.
The Baryonyx exhibits are just before you exit the Dinosaurs gallery. They show how palaeontologists use fossils and modern animals to piece together what we know about dinosaurs today. Follow the steps from fossil discovery to specimen reconstruction.
Research on Baryonyx has also revealed a group of specialised fish-eating dinosaurs called spinosaurs.

Watch a film about Baryonyx